Here are the worksheets, forms, data item definitions, and supporting resources for Parent Centers to use in submitting results of the 2024 Parent Center Data Collection activities and Program Measures Survey.  

This page gives Parent Centers the tools they need to collect and submit data on their Center’s activities  for the 2023-2024 program year (October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024), as well as the results of the Program Measures Survey. A number of supporting materials are included throughout. A separate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page is also available, and there is a schedule of drop-in call times for those who have questions or concerns to discuss.

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Part 1 Data Collection Forms, Definitions, and Where to Submit Your Data

Part 1 Data Collection refers to the numbers of contacts, meetings attended, resources disseminated, website visits, etc. that your Parent Center achieved in the 2023-2024 program year.  It includes the parent/youth count, disability data, and demographic data.

To complete Part 1 of the data collection, use the forms and materials found here:

Helpful Information:  For trainings and individual assistance contacts, parent centers will have to report on their services to parents of children under transition age, parents of transition-age youth and older, professionals, students under transition age, and youth and young adults of transition age and older.

For the demographic information, parent centers will need to report the number of infants, toddlers, and children under transition age, and youth and young adults of transition age and older served by your Parent Center.

Counting emails/ texts and other electronic modes of service: Count number of contacts using email or other electronic modes (e.g., text messages, Facebook messages, etc.) specifically for one-to-one individual assistance. Do not include mass e-mails that are for disseminating resources or for outreach activities.

On Newsletters Disseminated, make sure to add the total number of parent center periodicals distributed (print or on-line newsletters, magazines, e-newsletters, etc.), the print periodicals mailed or handed out, the number of subscribers or recipients of newsletters sent via e-mail, and the number of page views of newsletters posted on parent center’s website.

Reporting your Parent Center’s activities accurately for the 2023-2024 program year is an important task. Click here to find examples of two different scenarios of training, support and assistance you might offer to a parent, and illustrates how the various contacts and activities would be counted and recorded in the Data Collection.

Information about the race/ethnicity of callers served by the Parent Center is a data collection point.  You can find a Sample Script here that provides some language you might use in your Parent Center’s intake process, in order to collect that data. Please feel free to customize this script for use based on your data systems and intake/interview processes.


Submit your Part 1 data using this Online Data Submission Form by November 22, 2024!

Supporting Materials

Read Sample Scenarios for Part 1 Data Collection 

Sample Script for Collecting Race/Ethnicity Data (in Word)
Information about the race/ethnicity of callers served by the Parent Center was added to the data collection forms last year.  The Sample Script (linked above) provides some language you might use in your Parent Center’s intake process, in order to collect that data. Please feel free to customize this script for use based on your data systems and intake/interview processes.

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Part 2 Data Collection | Program Measures Survey: Why, How, and Where to Submit Results

Part 2 data collection refers to the Program Measures Survey, where your Center will ask a specific number of parents and youth and young adults of transition age and older about their satisfaction with the information or services they received from your Center in the last 6 months of the 2023-2024 program year. Materials and resources available include: overview of Program Measures Survey on program performance for the year 2023-24, instructions for completing, worksheets, survey forms in English and Spanish.

Deadline for submission | Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Overview of Part 2 data collection (online) | Also in Word

Program Measures Survey in English (in Word)

Program Measures Survey in Spanish (in Word)

        Program Measures Survey in Korean (in Word)

Submit your data using this Online Data Submission Form
(To be completed by Wednesday, December 18, 2024)

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