Useful to: Parent Centers and state personnel involved in SSIP work and the implementation of evidence-based practices for systems change.

Students report a variety of reasons for dropping out of school; therefore, the solutions are multidimensional. The National Dropout Prevention Center has identified 15 effective strategies that have the most positive impact on the dropout rate.

Visit the National Dropout Prevention Center to learn what the 15 effective strategies are, as well as find a multitude of helpful resources on dropout prevention.

About the Dropout Prevention Strategies
These strategies appear to be independent, but actually work well together and frequently overlap. The greatest results will be had when school districts develop a program improvement plan that encompasses most or all of these strategies. These strategies have been implemented successfully at all education levels and environments throughout the nation and are divided into four general categories: school and community perspective, early interventions, basic core strategies, and making the most of instruction.


Updated August 2023