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  • #46850

    The Foundation for Excellent Education has just released a landscape analysis of all 50 state ESSA state plans. The analysis found these key trends across the state ESSA plans:

    Summative ratings: In 44 states and the District of Columbia, schools will earn a summative rating. In 14 of those states, schools will earn an A-F letter grade.
    Student outcomes: In 32 states, student outcomes account for 80 percent or more of a school’s summative rating for elementary schools. In 22 states, it’s 90 percent or above.
    Minimum N: All states plan to use a minimum N-size of 30 or less; 39 states and the District of Columbia plan to use 20 or less.
    Measuring student growth: Although all but two states will measure individual student growth, fewer than half the states will incorporate criterion-based growth models that hold schools accountable for ensuring that students progress each year toward reaching proficient or advanced achievement before graduation.
    Interventions: Most states lack a rigorous approach to school turnaround and fewer than half will use competitive grants to leverage federal school improvement fund.

    The analysis is attached and also online

    Check it out.

    Candace Cortiella
    The Advocacy Institute

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    See, in particular, the graph on page 10 that lays out the minimum subgroup (N-size) that each state is using for accountability. The 8 states using an N-size of 30 (CA, KS, MI, MO, NY, NC, TN, and VA) educate 32 percent (1,871.1 million of 5, 932.5 million) of all students with disabilities ages 6-21 in the U.S. At least half of students with disabilities in these states will be left out of the accountability system due to this N-size.

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