(2018, November) | Useful to all who want to learn more about school choice, charter schools, vouchers, and students with disabilities.
Check out these two resources in the report series of the National Council on Disability. Both are available in Word and PDF formats, at:
Charter Schools — Implications for Students with Disabilities
Charter Schools provides an in-depth overview of the current landscape of the education of students with disabilities in charter schools. The report highlights the widespread inconsistency that exists across the charter school sector. While some charter schools experience serious challenges with respect to the provision of special education programming and services to their students with disabilities, others have developed innovative educational approaches that can serve as models for all schools.
Choice and Vouchers — Implications for Students with Disabilities
Choice and Vouchers outlines the construct of vouchers, education savings accounts, and tax credits for students with disabilities. It clarifies the effect on students with disabilities of programs of school choice that allow money for each eligible student to go directly to parents rather than to the public-school system, and explains how this adjustment in the flow of public funds results in critical and often misunderstood changes in protections for students with disabilities and their families, under not only IDEA, but also federal nondiscrimination laws.