A guide for advocates working with students, families, and guardians to facilitate the involvement of state Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies in the process of special education transition.

Up-to-date information as of May 2023


The Guide is composed of a glossary of terms and six related parts that summarize vocational rehabilitation services, their intersection with special education transition, the rights and responsibilities of stakeholders, and advocacy tips.

Parts in the guide series include:

Part 1: Introduction to Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) & Eligibility

Part 2: Special Education Transition and VR Services

Part 3: Employment Goals and the Individual Plan for Employment (IPE)

Part 4: Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Part 5: Vocational Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology (AT)

Part 6: VR Services Appeal Rights

A pdf version of the Toolkit is also available.


This Toolkit is adapted from the National Disability Rights Network’s (NRDN): Work, Assistive Technology and State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies: The Vocational Rehabilitation Agency’s Obligation to Fund AT to Support Employment Preparation, by Ronald M. Hager, Esq.


Ron Hager, National Disability Rights Network
Nancy Mader, Massachusetts Federation for Children with Special Needs
Dawn Monaco, SPAN Parent Advocacy Network

Josie Badger, RAISE Co-Director
Peg Kinsell, RAISE Co-Director
Debra Jennings, Executive Co-Director, SPAN Parent Advocacy Network

Considine Communication Strategies, Writing, Design, & Production


This Guide was produced by the RAISE Center under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration.

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The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the Department of Education. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service or enterprise mentioned herein is intended or should be inferred. This product is public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part is granted. Permission to reprint this material is not necessary; however, the citation should be: RAISE Center (retrieval date). Young Adults in Transition: Vocational Rehabilitation Services, RAISE Center, Newark, NJ; 2019.