(2021, February) | Useful to Parent Centers for sharing with staff, the families of students with disabilities, the students themselves, and educators.


This resource is a 26-page report published by the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD). Its full title is: Promising Practices to Accelerate Learning for Students with Disabilities During COVID-19 and Beyond. It begins with:

“COVID-19 shuttered school buildings and the impact on students will potentially be significant for years to come. Experts predict that school closures last spring could leave students a full year behind in math — with even greater impact as disruptions in instruction continue through the 2020–2021 school year. While instructional loss will affect most students, it could have a disproportionate impact on students with disabilities and other historically marginalized populations, including students of color, students impacted by poverty, and English language learners.”

It is critical that schools take immediate steps to address the issue of instructional loss and prevent students from falling further behind. This report discusses promising practices for doing just that.

Access the NCLD report at:


A Peek at the Contents

  • Part 1 looks at research-based approaches to accelerate learning (e.g., focusing on a set of power standards, using competency-based education, the model approach called tailored acceleration, small-group high-impact tutoring);
  • Part 2 focuses on implementing acceleration approaches with success, including providing intensive educator supports and ensuring family engagement;
  • Part 3 takes a look at state-level policy recommendations and actions
  • Part 4 focuses on federal-level policy recommendations and actions

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