June 2024

Oh, what Parent Centers can achieve in one year! Especially this year as they began moving in earnest from almost all remote interactions to hybrid remote/in-person contacts. This page distills the network-wide story of this Action-Packed Year for Parent Centers (2022-2023), including:

  • who they help
  • how they help
  • the languages they use to help
  • how valuable families find that help.

The Center for Parent Information and Resources is honored to share with you the results of the 2022-2023 Parent Center data collection and reporting process. This includes:

  • a look at what Parent Centers achieved, nationwide and network-wide;
  • an infographic that’s adaptable by Parent Centers to showcase their own individual achievements and data collection results;
  • a 2-page CPIR Quick Guide to support Parent Centers in adapting the infographic; and
  • a summary of the Parent Center results that’s the easiest of all to access, because you can read it right here!

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The Results Are In! What Parent Centers Achieve

The results of the Parent Center data collection for 2022-2023 are in! And they reveal the true depth and volume of what Parent Centers have done this past year.

    A Year in the Life 2022-2023: Parent Centers in Action.

    Here’s the infographic CPIR produced after the data were in and crunched. It’s 2 pages (designed to be printed front/back to become a 1-page handout or mini-poster), in PDF format and in full color, giving us a stunning portrait of what can be achieved by a few, extremely dedicated people for the benefit of so many.

    Want to see the data results in plain text? We’re pleased to provide this further below, for easy reading and immediate access.

    Feel free to share this portrait of a Year in the Life 2022-2023: Parent Centers in Action far and wide, for it provides resounding evidence that Parent Centers are valuable partners and capacity builders for families of children and youth with disabilities and for the professionals who work with children and youth. Parent Centers are vital points of contact in communities nationwide and critical partners for states, early intervention systems, and schools responsible for so much in the educational and developmental well-being of children and youth with disabilities.

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    An Adaptable Infographic for Parent Centers to Use

    A network-wide summary of Parent Centers in Action 2021-22 gives us all an instant perspective on what has been achieved collectively. But what about what each individual Parent Center did? Achieved? It’s important to see what your Parent Center accomplished this past year, who you served, how you served them, and so on. You can share these data:

    • to spotlight your Center’s work;
    • to let newcomers know that your services are reliable, informed, and available in many different forms (e.g., virtual, print, interactive, in-person);
    • as evidence of the power and reach of your Parent Center as a partner working on behalf of children and youth with disabilities, and their families and service providers.


    Download the Adaptable Infographic. This infographic is designed so it can be easily changed, inserting your Center’s numbers and data results into key blocks of information. It’s provided as a PowerPoint file and results in an infographic that’s 1-page long. Easy to insert your Center-specific accomplishments, add your logo and contact information. (Want a quick guide to what to change and where?)


    Of course, you are at liberty to change the infographic’s colors or layout to suit yourself. In any event, you would then save your new PowerPoint, then save it again as a PDF, then print and share!

    Share with your staff, your board, all potential partners or funders, newcomers to your services, everyone on your mailing list, in your newsletter, and most definitely on your Website. You have EARNED the space for showcasing how you’ve helped and who. Don’t be shy. This is evidence that speaks loud and clear, and people in your state and local community will greatly appreciate having real, solid, data-driven evidence of your worth and credibility.

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    CPIR’s Quick Guide to Adapting the Infographic

    Also download this 2-page guide that will show you, with screenshots, where your Center-specific information needs to be inserted. We provide this guide just in case you might find having such a “checklist” helpful.

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    Want to See the Results Right Here, Right Now? A Summary for All

    As promised, here are the data results provided in the network-wide infographic. This summary isn’t flashy or fancy or full of pictures; it’s just plain text, plain truth!

    Parent Centers in Action 2022-2023

    FOCUS ON YOUTH: Total connections Parent Centers had with youth or young adults with disabilities in 2022-2023?

    75,839 (+37.6%) (In-person trainings grew 190%!)

    Due to the increased need following the pandemic, Centers greatly increased their contacts with youth and young adults with disabilities – whether training or TI – and did they ever!

    – – – – – – –

    Parent Centers inform and train parents of children with disabilities to be effective advocates for their children

    615,739+ | Parents attended trainings (virtual and in-person)

    456,645+ | Parents received individual assistance

    – – – – – – –

    Contact your Parent Center!
    Parent Centers serve every state, territory, and the District of Columbia
    Find yours: https://www.parentcenterhub.org/find-your-center/

    – – – – – – –

    Parent Centers are knowledgeable, committed, statewide experts on issues related to babies, children, and youth with disabilities

      • IEP assistance
      • On the phone, by text, by mail
      • In-person and virtual trainings
      • Websites
      • Webinars
      • Newsletters
      • Partners in systems change

    – – – – – – –

    Parent Centers also inform and train professionals and students with disabilities

    216,706 | Professionals and others attended trainings (virtual and in-person)

    166,271 | Professionals and others received individual assistance

    29,540+ | Students with disabilities attended trainings (virtual and in-person)

    59,569+ | Students with disabilities received individual assistance

    – – – – – – –

    Parent Centers are interested in…
    improving outcomes for children and youth at home, at school, and in the community

    Clearly, parents, students with disabilities, and professionals are interested, too!

    ~1.55 million
    That’s the number of contacts Parent Centers had last year with the people they serve

    – – – – – – –

    Parent Centers provide their services to families in 42+ different languages in addition to English and Spanish.

    English | 79.6%
    Spanish | 15%

    Other languages | 5.4%

    – – – – – – –

    Here’s what parents had to say about the services they received from their Parent Center

      • 92.7% learned more re: taking care of their child’s needs
      • 93% said their Parent Center’s info met their needs
      • 92% said they were ready to use the info they received
      • 95.7% said they would recommend their Parent Center to friends or family


    The Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR) is enormously proud to support the outstanding work of the Parent Center network nationwide.

    Parent Centers are funded by the Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education, under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). So is CPIR, under Cooperative Agreement #H328R130014.

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