Author: Lisa Kupper

Buzz | Profound Autism + Engaging with Underserved Families

This Buzz begins with a fascinating collection of articles on a proposed new category called profound autism, which CDC estimates affects 26.7% of children on the autism spectrum. We also connect you with the latest OSEP communication about evaluations under IDEA. We close with a focus on an area of Parent Center work that challenges and thrills us all—engaging with underserved families.

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Buzz | Corporal Punishment, Informal Removals, & More

This Buzz brings you news of 3+ resources from OSEP and the Office for Civil Rights that collectively address corporal punishment in schools (including the March 24th Dear Colleague Letter) and the worrisome pattern of informally removing a student with disabilities because of behavior. We’re then pleased to connect you with 2 more disability-specific resources available in English and Spanish. And we close with news to share with your Native American families, especially youth from 18 to 24 years old.

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Buzz | Need Resources in English or Spanish?

Parent Centers are often on the lookout for disability resources they can share with families who are English speakers and those who prefer or need resources in Spanish. This 2nd Buzz of March brings just that to you—resources about: PANS and PANDAS in young children, a video series that uses a telenovela to share info with parents about special education; and a family toolkit to support youth who are transitioning from pediatric health care to adult care.

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Buzz | Planning Ahead, Raising Awareness

Every month of the year different health observances take place around the country to raise awareness about a health condition or disability. Knowing what’s on the calendar gives Parent Centers time to plan ahead, prepare resources to highlight that disability or condition, and take part locally. This Buzz gives you a taste of what awareness campaigns are going on this month (March) and in April. We’re pleased to close with 2 transition-to-adulthood resources from Parent Centers.

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