“Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.” 

C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair.

Greetings to All!

School reopenings are top of mind for all of us. When? How? For whom? As Parent Centers we are being asked to help parents make decisions about various reopening models and how they will or will not work for children. We at CPIR wish that we had clear answers or a simple solution we could put in your hands. We don’t. But we can point you to several resources that can help.

That’s the main focus of this issue of the Buzz. We especially like the new resources from our colleagues at S.T.E.P. in Tennessee that guide parents through the decisions they need to make and provide tools parents can use to have informed discussions with their children’s schools and professionals. Having some sense of direction and control during these uncertain times can make us all feel a little less anxious, at least for an hour or two.

Take good care,
The CPIR Team | Debra, Debi, Lisa, Sitara, and Myriam


To Open or Not to Open: It’s a Question of How

Map: Where are schools open?
State-by-state map of where school buildings are open or closed, from Education Week.

What will it take for schools to open in the fall?
As parents, educators, and state and local officials grapple with the big question on everyone’s minds, Prepared Parents’ Co-Founder Mira Browne explains the options and looks at what it will take to reopen schools safely. From Great Schools.

STEP’s Return to School Planning Guide
This guide features specific worksheets to help families as they prepare for how their children with disabilities will receive the services and supports outlined in their IEPs. There’s also a 23-minute video from STEP’s Facebook Live session on the guide. Thanks, STEP!

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What Else is Happening in August?

Don’t forget this handy tool: the Hub Central Event Calendar on CPIR’s front page (at the bottom left). Use it to identify upcoming training events and webinars around the education and disability networks. There’s a lot of rich expertise available and energy afoot!


Need a Breath of Summer?

20 apps to combat anxiety and stress
Take a deep breath. You’ll like it!


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Center for Parent Information and Resources
c/o SPAN, Inc.
35 Halsey St., Fourth Floor
Newark, NJ 07102

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