“If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade.”
– ― Tom Peters
Greetings to you!
This Buzz shares several resources that speak to the challenges and opportunities ahead as we lay plans and adapt systems for our schools re-opening in the fall. Of course, not all education will take in-person, but a lot will, and hybrid models that allow for virtual and in-person instruction of students are also likely.
We hope you’re finding time to enjoy summer’s onset, the cicadas if they emerged in your area, and the lack of cicadas if they didn’t!
Our best to you, as always,
The CPIR Team
Meeting Student Needs at School
Supporting Students with the Most Intensive Needs | 3 Videos
Here are 3 new videos that highlight key resources available to support families of students with the most intensive needs at home and as they transition to and from in-school services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The videos speak directly to parents and recommend that parents share the videos (and the highlighted resources) with the team of educators and other professionals working with their child. Multiple TA&D Centers worked collaboratively to identify these resources and to create the videos.
Inclusive Social Emotional Learning for Students with Disabilities
Social-emotional learning (SEL) will be an important element in rebuilding classroom relationships when schools reopen. This multi-part package from the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) equips parents, advocates, and state policymakers with relevant resources to use, including:
- an SEL Parent Advocacy Toolkit to help parents understand more about the importance of social, emotional, and academic development for students with disabilities. Then parents can advocate at their child’s school and district for high-quality practices and policies to support this approach; and
- An Urgent Imperative for States: Developing Whole Child Policies to Support an Equitable Education for Students With Disabilities
This Land We Stand On
As Native Americans have known from time immemorial, it’s a beautiful land we stand on, abounding with nature and resources that sustain and awe us. As promised in the previous Buzz, CPIR is pleased to add a new and most relevant resource to the Native American Resource Collection: Native Land Acknowledgment: The Why and How for Parent Centers.
Land acknowledgment offers a deeply respectful recognition that the beautiful lands we share today were originally populated and safeguarded for future generations by the indigenous peoples of this land. Learn what it means to acknowledge this truth in your Parent Center work, and why it’s important.
Summer–Shimmer on!
Summer and Sensory Processing Issues
(Also available in Spanish)
For children with sensory processing issues, summer can be a challenging time. Think about summer’s onslaught of unfamiliar sounds, smells, and places: beach sand, fireworks, an amusement park, the shriek of animals at the zoo. Yet with preparation and planning, parents can help kids with sensory issues get the most out of summertime.
19 Parents Share Their Favorite Summer Activities for Their Kids With Disabilities
What are your favorites?
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Center for Parent Information and Resources
c/o SPAN, Inc.
35 Halsey St., Fourth Floor
Newark, NJ 07102
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Publication of this eNewsletter is made possible through Cooperative Agreement H328R180005 between OSEP and the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN). The contents do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government or by the Center for Parent Information and Resources.