“Our lives were just beginning, our favorite moment was right now, our favorite songs were unwritten.”
— Rob Sheffield, Love Is a Mix Tape: Life and Loss, One Song at a Time
This Buzz is packed with info for you and the families and professionals you serve. We start off with a Dear Colleague Letter from the feds, share 3 resources for and about youth in transition to adulthood, and 3 others focused on state assessments, which are meant to be shared with families.
Here’s to the great work that Parent Centers do!
The CPIR Team
First, from the Feds
OCR Releases Dear Colleague Letter on Race and School Programming
OCR’s 13-page DCL on Race and School Programming is intended to guide schools on lawful programs to promote racially inclusive school communities. This resource clarifies the circumstances under which schools can develop curricula and programs or engage in activities that promote racially inclusive school communities.
p.s. You may also be interested in reading the January 2023 OCR fact sheet on Diversity & Inclusion Activities Under Title VI that confirmed for educators, parents, and students that diversity, equity, and inclusion training and similar activities generally are consistent with Title VI.
The English Learner Family Toolkit
(Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, and Spanish)
This family toolkit (from the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition) is meant to support families of English learners in the U.S. education system. It consists of 6 chapters, and each chapter contains 5 sections: an overview, family and student rights, questions to ask schools, tips, and resources.
Youth Transitions
IEP Tip Sheet: Age of Majority
This tip sheet introduces and briefly defines age of majority. The age of majority is defined by state law and is the age at which the child is no longer a minor and assumes rights and responsibilities to make certain legal decisions. The tip sheet includes a brief summary of federal regulations, common questions, and additional resources. Check with state law for specific information about age of majority in your state.
Student-Centered Transition Planning
This IRIS module will help users to better understand the benefits of student-centered transition planning, identify ways to involve students in collecting assessment information and developing goals, and be able to prepare students to actively participate in their own IEP meetings.
Transition Services for Justice-Involved Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities: Rehabilitation and Recovery Practices
This brief describes how rehabilitation and recovery interventions can help states improve long-term workforce opportunities for justice-involved youth and young adults with disabilities, including those with pre-existing mental and behavioral health needs.
State Assessments
Why Assessments are Important (Video for Families)
NCEO offers this short video on why assessments are important, and why children with disabilities should participate in them. This resource is designed to help families understand why assessments are a good opportunity for their children to show what they know, and for schools to better understand their children’s needs. It also includes tips for families on how to better support their children when they take assessments.
p.s. Check out the companion Parent Fact Sheets:
Getting Help for Your Child When Taking State Assessments
Summarizes the purpose of state tests and describes test resources that students may need. Also provides parents with tips on how to work with teachers to access these resources.
State Testing of Your Child with a Disability
Describes resources and accommodations that are available specifically to students who have a disability, an IEP, or a 504 plan when they take state test.
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Center for Parent Information and Resources
c/o SPAN, Inc.
35 Halsey St., Fourth Floor
Newark, NJ 07102
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Publication of this eNewsletter is made possible through Cooperative Agreement H328R180005 between OSEP and the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN). The contents do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government or by the Center for Parent Information and Resources.