Effective practices


School Inclusion

Looking for information about inclusion of children with disabilities in our schools and communities? CPIR is very pleased to offer you this resource page, which will connect you with the great work and materials of the disability network nationwide and internationally. Inclusion is part of a much larger picture than just placement in the regular […]

Conducta | Comportamiento

Actualizado, septiembre 2022 Sobre la conducta en inglés | About behavior in English   CPIR se complace en conectarle con recursos de información en español que puede usar para aprender más sobre cómo tratar los desafíos de conducta. Es un asunto que preocupa muchas familias. Si su hijo manifiesta problemas de conducta en la escuela, es […]

Supporting Students with Disabilities and Avoiding the Discriminatory Use of Student Discipline under Section 504

On July 19, 2022, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services released multiple guidance documents to help public elementary and secondary schools fulfill their responsibilities to meet the needs of students with disabilities and avoid the discriminatory use of student discipline. These newly released resources are the most comprehensive guidance on the civil rights of students with disabilities concerning student discipline, and include: (1) a 41-page guidance on avoiding the discriminatory use of student discipline under Section 504; (2) an accompanying fact sheet summarizing the main points of the guidance; (3) a 57-page Q&A regarding IDEA’s disciplinary provisions; (4) a 19-page technical assistance guide describing positive, proactive approaches to supporing the needs of children with disabilities; and (5) a letter from Secretary of Education Cardona to stakeholders. Read more about and connect with each document in CPIR’s abstract.

Consideración de LRE en las Decisiones de Colocación

El ambiente menos restrictivo, o LRE, como se le llama más comúnmente por sus siglas en inglés, es una de varias partes vitales en el desarrollo del IEP de un niño y juega un papel crítico, influyendo en dónde pasa el tiempo el niño en la escuela y cómo se brindan los servicios y las relaciones que el niño desarrolla en la escuela y la comunidad. De hecho, LRE es un elemento fundamental en la construcción de un IEP apropiado que puede mejorar los resultados para un niño, en la escuela y en la vida.

10 Simple Socially Distanced Seating Arrangements for Classrooms

(2021, August 26) | Useful to educators and to advocates and parents. It’s hard to believe that we’re entering the third year of pandemic teaching, but here we are! Some districts have no mandates, while others are encouraging preventive measures. During times like these, it’s a good IDEA to have a backup plan (and a […]

Evaluating School-Aged Children for Disability

Accurate and updated information as of April 2022 In Spanish | en español Short version (4 pages) of this information: Your Child’s Evaluation Sobre evalución en breve (4 páginas): La Evaluación de Su Niño   Evaluation is an essential beginning step in the special education process for a child with a disability. Before a child […]

Reuniones para Desarrollar el IEP

Información precisa y actualizada a partir de 2021 Esta página en inglés | This page in English   Juntarse es el comienzo Mantenerse juntos es progreso Trabajar juntos es el éxito. ~Henry Ford.   El IEP de su niño es un documento sumamente importante en su vida de estudiante. Especifica sus niveles actuales del logro […]

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