Age of Majority
The Working Together Series includes 5 interactive self-directed courses. These courses provide families and educators with a number of strategies for working together and through conflict. Anyone supporting children or youth with disabilities may benefit from this series. The setting in which collaborative problem solving and conflict resolution takes place within this series is typically the school or IEP meeting.
Produced by CADRE, the series includes a webinar that briefly introduces the Working Together Series, a companion Facilitator Guide, and other supplemental resources. The full series is available in English and in Spanish (Trabajando Juntos).
To learn more about the 5 courses in the series, view the introductory webinar, or access the series in Spanish, read our abstract here.
El ambiente menos restrictivo, o LRE, como se le llama más comúnmente por sus siglas en inglés, es una de varias partes vitales en el desarrollo del IEP de un niño y juega un papel crítico, influyendo en dónde pasa el tiempo el niño en la escuela y cómo se brindan los servicios y las relaciones que el niño desarrolla en la escuela y la comunidad. De hecho, LRE es un elemento fundamental en la construcción de un IEP apropiado que puede mejorar los resultados para un niño, en la escuela y en la vida.
When a child is having trouble in school, it’s important to find out why. The child may have a disability. By law, schools must provide special help to eligible children with disabilities. This help is called special education and related services.
There’s a lot to know about the process by which children are identified as having a disability and in need of special education and related services. This section of CPIR’s website is devoted to helping you learn about that process.
This brief overview is an excellent place to start. Here, we’ve distilled the process into 10 basic steps. Once you have the big picture of the process, it’s easier to understand the many details under each step. We’ve indicated throughout this overview where, on our site, you can connect with that more detailed information.
The SpecialQuest Multimedia Training Library includes early childhood inclusion training resources. The videos and training sessions support high-quality inclusion of preschoolers (ages 3 to 5) in early care and education settings that are responsive to the priority and concerns of families. The target audiences are early childhood professional development providers, Institutes of Higher Education, family leaders, and policy makers.