March 2021
A handy directory to CPIR’s organized collections exploring on key, complex topics
In case you missed it…
- CPIR offers suites of information and resource collections on priority topics that Parent Centers can share with families and use in their own professional development and capacity building?
- For your easy reference… we’ve created this handy directory so you’ll know at a glance what suites and resource collections we have and where to find them on the Parent Center Hub.
Quick-List of Topic-Specific Collections
Collections and Info Suites
Age of Majority: A Parent’s Guide![]() |
Basics for parents about “age of majority” and getting ready for when their teen reaches it. Three (3) additional tip sheets on getting ready for:
Lots of useful resources to share with teens and families. |
Behavior Suite![]() |
Landing page will connect you to 4 additional pages on: behavior expertise (where to find it?), behavior at home, behavior at school, and bullying. Many materials in Spanish identified. See also the resource collection below. |
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Behavior Supports, FBAs, and School Discipline Collection![]() |
Highly rated! Separate pages spotlighting resources, videos, webinars, Spanish, short reads, and training materials on: |
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Coronavirus Suite![]() |
7-part collection! What are you looking for? Info from the government, basic scientific info about COVID-19, materials in other languages to share with families? Tech tips? Schooling at home? Coping tips for the family and children? Info for nonprofits? Planning for when work and schools reopen? |
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Disability Fact Sheets![]() |
Here, you can find out what IDEA’s categories of disability are and learn more about developmental milestones for children. A third page in the collection links you to 29 different disability fact sheets (e.g., AH/HD, TBI, Other Health Impairment), most available in English and Spanish. |
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Dispute Resolution![]() |
Highly rated! Landing page leads to a summary of 5 main options for resolving disputes, informal approaches, plus individual and branching pages about Mediation, resolution sessions, state complaint, due process complaints and hearings, and appeals and civil action. |
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Early Intervention![]() |
Highly rated! First page gives an overview of the early intervention program and how to access it. The subsequent 11 pages in the suite delve into finding services, parent participation, parent notice and consent, writing the IFSP, natural environments, transition to preschool, key terms to know, and much more. Overview info available in Spanish. |
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ESSA | Every Student Succeeds Act![]() |
ESSA is the nation’s general education law. Reauthorized in December 2015, it impacts how states and schools provide general education to all students, including those with disabilities. This suite starts with a Stakeholder Guide that discusses changes made in the law, state plans, and stakeholder engagement requirements. Stand-alone pages and fact sheets detail how the law affects students with disabilities. Most of these fact sheets are also available in Spanish. |
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IEPs (Individualized Education Programs)![]() |
One of the most important suites for Parent Center work, the All about the IEP suite starts with the landing page that connects you to indepth pages (which also branch into other pages) focused on:
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The IEP Team![]() |
Highly rated! One of the pages in the All about the IEP suite (above), but branching out into individual pages on what each IEP Team member might be expected to contribute to writing a student’s IEP and to the discussions at the meeting of the IEP Team. Here, Parent Centers can also access training materials in English and Spanish on the IEP, the team, and what happens when the team meets. |
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Laws (Disability and Education)![]() |
From the landing page, you can branch to individual pages that look at the following laws: –IDEA –ESSA –Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act –Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) –the Assistive Technology Act (ATA) |
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Letter Writing (to Your Child’s School)![]() |
Throughout a child’s school years, parents often have a need to communicate with school staff concerned with their child’s education. This is particularly true when the child has a disability and is receiving special education services. The Letter Writing collection features the basics of writing letters (or emails) and then provides 11 sample letters that a parent might write for reasons such as requesting that their child be evaluated, requesting to see their child’s records, asking to review the child’s IEP, requesting a change in their child’s placement, or trying to resolve a dispute with the school. Also available in Spanish. |
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Native American Resource Collection![]() |
The Native American Resource Collection includes many useful products in print and video format. The resources are designed to support Parent Center staff in ongoing training and development. Each product provides information about the traditional culture and contemporary issues important to Native families, written from the unique perspective of American Indians and Alaska Natives. The collection is organized into 4 tiers of learning, of which the first 3 are currently available. |
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Parent Rights![]() |
Highly rated! The landing page on Parental Rights provides branches to each of 8 rights that IDEA affords parents of a child with disabilities receiving special education and related services. This suite is particularly useful to Parent Centers for learning the details of each right and sharing that information with families. Also available in Spanish. |
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Placement![]() |
From the landing page, you can branch out to 7 separate pages that look at specific aspects of placement. There’s a short-and-sweet overview of placement issues (highly rated!); a discussion of how placement is decided (highly rated!); a starter set of resources on least restrictive environment (LRE); school inclusion (highly rated!); and placement and school discipline. Final branches in this suite are devoted to IDEA’s discipline rules, and these pages branch as well. |
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Training Modules on Part B of IDEA![]() |
Looking for training materials you can use for webinars and workshops with parents of school-aged children with disabililities? Come to Building the Legacy / Construyendo el Legado, a training curriculum on Part B, which authorizes special education for eligible children with disabilities. There are 14 distinct modules across key aspects of IDEA (e.g., evaluation, the IEP, and procedural safeguards). Each module comes with a trainer’s guide, slideshow, and handouts for participants. Many are available in Spanish. |
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Training Modules on Part C of IDEA![]() |
Looking for training materials you can use for webinars and workshops with parents of infants or toddlers with delays or disabililities? Come to Building the Legacy for Our Youngest Children, a training curriculum on Part C. There are 10 distinct modules on early intervention, each with a trainer’s guide, slideshow presentation, and handouts for participants. |
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Transition to Adulthood![]() |
Transitioning to adulthood is a HUGE topic. An overview is provided on the landing page, with links to 8 subtopics at the bottom of the page: transition starters for everyone, transition goals in the IEP, students get involved, adult services, connections to education and training, employment connections, and independent living. |
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Trauma-Informed Care![]() |
This resource collection starts with the landing page, which offers branches to individual pages of resources on the basics of trauma, trauma-informed care, trauma and special populations, building trauma-informed schools, and responding to disasters. Find videos, short info briefs, checklists, and more. |