- Identify and learn about the school districts that serve domestic military installations
- Review the special education systems and resources in each of the 50 states
- Use the Tools for Making a Smooth Transition to minimize the impact of relocation, including:
Preparing for Your Move offers suggestions for making the transition to a new school district easier for your child, your family and the district staff, and
Tips for Contacting Districts and Exceptional Family Member Program Family Support Staff assists in preparing for conversations with your child’s new school district and Exceptional Family Member Program family support staff.
- Understand national issues facing special education in general and autism spectrum disorders emotional/behavior disorders and intellectual disabilities specifically
- Access additional resources, including those specifically designed for military families
Access the directory, at:
* HIGHLY RATED RESOURCE * This resource was reviewed by 3-member panels of Parent Center staff working independently from one another to rate the quality, accuracy, impartiality, relevance, and usefulness of CPIR resources. This resource was found to be of “High Quality, Accuracy, Impartiality, Relevance, and Usefulness” to Parent Centers.