The Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners offers a FACTS and TIPS series of publications in English and Spanish. The series is intended to give early childhood programs and practitioners easy access to information and practical tips for working with young dual language learners, Birth-5 years, and their families. Examples of products in the series include:
- Topic 2.1: How to use interpreters effectively, which clarifies some misconceptions about who makes a good interpreter and the difference between an interpreter and a translator;
- its Spanish version, Cómo utilizar intérpretes en forma efectiva;
- Topic 2.2: Continued exploration of the same topic, this time focusing on the importance of meeting with the interpreter before meeting with parents or caregivers and establishing guidelines for the interpretation process; and
- its version in Spanish.
Other products in the FACTS and TIPS series focus on cultural considerations, language development, and key topics from evaluation processes, ongoing assessment, eligibility decision making, and instructional practices.
Access the entire series in English and Spanish at: