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  • #28224
    Debra Jennings

    In this forum, we can discuss the 2015 APR, SPP and SSIP submissions. As part of the USDE-OSEP Accountability systems, states submitted Annual Performance Reports (APR) and any changes to State Performance Plans (SPP) for Parts B&C in February of 2015 for FFY 2013. These submissions are reviewed and OSEP then goes back to some states and asked for clarification. States then have a period of time to submit any required clarification. In addition, beginning in 2015, states must submit State Systemic Improvement Plans (SSIP). These plans were to be developed for Parts B & C with input from stakeholders and submitted by April 2015. OSEP does further review and based on the submissions along with other publicly available data about the state’s results for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities announces its “state determinations.” This announcement typically happens around June. The determinations fall into several categories. “Meets requirements,” “Needs assistance” or “Needs intervention.” You can find more info on determinations and the details of the accountability system at: and

    Debra Jennings

    The APR/SPP review process is moving along. Notice has been sent to states that the APR/SPP clarification period has begun. States can access the new Grads360 system to find out the questions/comments that they need to address and submit their responses/further documentation.

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