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  • #29462
    Debra Jennings

    The Committee of Practitioners in your state should be involved in reviewing and approving your state’s plan for implementing the new law. Do you know who this group is in your state? Who’s in the group? When they meet and what they are doing in terms of the state plan? Here’s is a Word doc that captures some of the info in ESSA about the role and makeup of the Committee of Practitioners. And yes, PARENTS are supposed to be represented!

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    Debra Jennings

    Also, I should say that I have been a member of NJ’s Committee of Practitioners for 5-6 years. And, we have not always been consulted about changes to the state’s plan. When our state applied for an ESEA waiver, we were asked to give feedback on some general issues/topics, but the application submitted was not reviewed by the Committee prior to submission. This go round, “I’m On it!”

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