(2020, July) | Useful for Parent Centers, schools, youth, and families involved in transition planning and students exiting high school
This 15-page resource is designed to help youth with disabilities take steps to transition from high school to adult life. It speaks directly to youth, moving through Secondary Transition considerations step by step, including:
- deciding where to start
- questions to ask
- getting help and local contacts (e.g., adult agencies and services, Parent Centers)
- registering for the Selective Service
- steps and actions to take to meet goals in education and training, employment, and independent living.
Throughout the document there are guiding questions to ask (and spaces to answer) and many, many links to sources of more information. As one example of this, under the heading “Things you can do now to help meet your postsecondary employment goal” on page 7, is this suggestion:
Make a list of your career interests, the best work location for you, and types of jobs that best fit your
skills. If you aren’t sure what jobs or careers interest you, explore your options at “Get My Future” on
the Career One Stop website https://www.careeronestop.org/GetMyFuture/default.aspx
Secondary Transition Considerations and Guiding Questions for Youth Exiting from High School is a collaborative product of NTACT (the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition) and CPIR (Center for Parent Information and Resources).
Access the guide, at: