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CPIR is pleased to provide this Table of Contents for the Native American Resource Collection, for the convenience of visitors looking for a specific resource. We’ve linked directly to the PDF versions of these products. (If you’d prefer a version in Word or in HTML, go to the tier indicated in parentheses.)
Alphabetical List by Title of the Resource
American Indian/Alaska Native Vocational Rehabilitation Centers (posted in Tier 4)
Bingo Activity: Bingo card and questions, Instructions, Answer Sheet (2016 version posted in Tier 1 | 2020 version posted in Tier 4)
Bingo Activity in Spanish (2020 version posted in Tier 4)
Bouncing Back from Setbacks: A Message for AI/AN Youth (posted in Tier 3)
Bullying and Cyberbullying: Focus on Native American Youth | Webinar (Powerpoint, PDF, video of webinar, all posted in Tier 3)
Bullying: What Native Parents Need to Know (posted in Tier 3)
Bureau of Indian Affairs’ List of Tribes by State (posted in Tier 4)
Bureau of Indian Education Schools/Institutions, by State (posted in Tier 4)
Cultural Awareness and Connecting with Native Communities (posted in Tier 2)
Cyberbullying: What Native Parents Need to Know (posted in Tier 3)
Educating Native Students, Then and Now | Infographic (posted in Tier 1)
Historical Perspectives for Working with Native Parents | Webinar (Powerpoint, PDF, video of webinar, all posted in Tier 1)
Historical Perspectives for Working with Native Parents | Brief (posted in Tier 1)
Historical Trauma: Developing an Understanding of American Indians and Alaska Natives (posted in Tier 1)
Historical Trauma of Native Hawaiians (English, posted in Tier 1)
Historical Trauma of Native Hawaiians (Spanish, posted in Tier 1)
How Values Impact Communication with American Indians and Alaska Natives (posted in Tier 1)
Impact of Traditional Native Values on Transition Planning (posted in Tier 3)
Introducing Your Parent Center to American Indian Communities | Brief (posted in Tier 2)
Outreach to Native Parents through Title VI | Webinar (Powerpoint, PDF, video of webinar, all posted in Tier 2)
Outreach to Native Parents through Title VI | Brief (posted in Tier 2)
Reaching Out to Native Youth | Brief (posted in Tier 2 and in Tier 3)
Reinforcing Resilience: How Parent Centers Can Support AI/AN Parents (posted in Tier 3)
Right or Privilege Activity: Trainer’s Guide (posted in Tier 4)
Right or Privilege Activity: Slides for the activity (posted in Tier 4)
Resources on Bullying and Cyberbullying (posted in Tier 3)
State Indian Education Contacts | Resource List (posted in Tier 2 and Tier 4)
Tribal Sovereignty and Outreach to Native American Families | Webinar (Powerpoint, PDF, video of webinar, all posted in Tier 2)
Tribal Sovereignty and Outreach to Native American Families | Brief (posted in Tier 2)
Tribal Sovereignty and Treaty Making (posted in Tier 1)
What’s Important to Native Youth | Infographic (There’s also a 3-page brief and an HTML version, all posted in Tier 3)
Working with Native American Families: Barriers and Opportunities | Webinar (Powerpoint, PDF, video of webinar, all posted in Tier 2)