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Resources updated as of July 2021


Kids grow fast, don’t they? And early intervention is designed for children from birth up to age three.  At that point, services under EI end. If the child will need continued support once he or she moves on to preschool, it’s very important to plan ahead so that the transition is smooth.  The resources below will help you do just that.


Be sure to see what’s available at ECTA.
Come to ECTA’s landing page where you’ll find a wealth of information about the transition from Part C to preschool, including federal requirements, national centers, state examples, eligibility differences to note, and more.

Transition of young children out of early intervention | Online module.
(Available in English and Spanish)
Project CONNECT offers numerous free online modules where early childhood specialists and practitioners can learn about effective evidence-based practices.  Module 2 focuses on transition for young children and their families from the early care and education system.

Out of EI and into preschool: What’s it all about?
Here’s a decent explanation, including why it’s important to plan for this transition; the benefits to children, families, and teachers of such planning; and the chief differences between the EI system and preschool service system in terms of child find, referral, evaluation, eligibility, family involvement, the type of plan that’s written and the services that are delivered.

Who’s in charge of preschool services, and what are they doing?
Find out at the ECTA Center, which provides annual information on state policies, programs, and practices under the Preschool Grants Program (Section 619 of Part B) of IDEA.
Photo of a young Asian preschooler, holding hands in a line of children heading into preschool.
What do IDEA’s regulations say about transition planning?
When, by whom, what, where, steps, writing the IEP… IDEA has a lot to say! And its regulations provide guidance to how every state implements Part C and how planning must occur when children transition out of early intervention. This handout gives you the verbatin regulations of IDEA.

Training modules on transition.
IDEA’s Part C regulations were substantially revised in 2011. Need training materials to let people know what’s new and different, what’s the same, and what’s involved in planning for transition? Try CPIR’s Modules 8 and 9, which include slideshows, trainer guides, and handouts for participants.

Module 8The Transition Process and Lead Agency Notification to the LEA and SEA

Module 9 | The Development of the Transition Plan

Helping military families receive early intervention services.
Here’s a page of resources for military families about early intervention, including the military’s early intervention directory, suggestions for relocating with an IFSP, the DOD’s handbook on early intervention and special education, and more.

Special education services for preschoolers with disabilities.
This page discusses what services are available for preschoolers who are experiencing developmental delays. Learn more about where families, childcare providers, and educators find help and support.

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**Highly Rated Resource!

This resource was reviewed by 3-member panels of Parent Center staff working independently from one another to rate the quality, relevance, and usefulness of CPIR resources. This resource was found to be of “High Quality, High Relevance, High Usefulness” to Parent Centers.

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