A webinar for the Parent Center Network on the assessment of students with disabilities, as required by the recently reauthorized ESSA.
- Listen to the webinar and view the slides
- Download Webinar slideshow presentation
- Download the Guide to the Stakeholder Guide
- Locating ESSA information in your state
- Additional resources
Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)
Sheryl Lazarus, Associate Director
National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)
Candace Cortiella, Director
The Advocacy Institute
The goal of this webinar is to provide Parent Centers with the information, skills, knowledge, and inspiration needed to be a voice for students with disabilities in each state’s implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The webinar focuses on the assessment of students with disabilities, as required by the recently reauthorized ESSA. Presenters from the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) and The Advocacy Center provide overviews of the key provisions in ESSA that relate to students with disabilities, highlighting in particular the importance of ESSA’s state assessment provisions for improving outcomes for these students.
Additionally, Candace Cortiella (of The Advocacy Center) premieres the brand-new Stakeholder Guide to the ESSA, a collaborative online publication of The Advocacy Center and the Center for Parent Information and Resources.
Download the Webinar’s Slideshow Presentation
Download the webinar’s PPT (i.e., as a PowerPoint file, 3.7 MB)
Download a PDF of the webinar’s slideshow (PDF, 3 MB)
Download the Guide to the Stakeholder Guide to ESSA
Background | The Stakeholder Guide to ESSA was premiered during the webinar. This extensive resource has been developed to provide Parent Center staff and their advocacy partners with an understanding of key provisions in ESSA so that they may become meaningfully involved in how the law is now planned and implemented by the states. The guide is presented on the Web in several sections (web pages) by key topic.
The Guide to the Guide (PDF, 841 kb) | Because the Stakeholder Guide is online in several sections, we have also developed a handy companion “guide to the guide” that Parent Centers can use, print, and share with advocates, partners, families, and concerned professionals. It’s only 2 pages long (perfect for two-sided copying) and provides the direct-link URLs to all of the Stakeholder Guide’s many sections.
- Download the Guide to the Guide (PDF, 841 kb)
Locating ESSA Information in Your State
Candace Cortiella’s presentation included mention of resources you can use to locate ESSA information for your state. Those resources are:
Center on Standards and Assessment Implementation (CSAI)
This CSAI web page includes links to each state’s draft state plans (if available), information and key resources regarding the development of state plans, and information on how states have involved stakeholders during the development process. Information is current as of December 9, 2016.
Understanding ESSA
Enter your state’s name at the link above, and presto! See what’s happening with ESSA implementation in your state.
Does your state have a web page on its ESSA activities?
Find out at the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
Also from the National PTA, a wealth of other resources
Would you like a roadmap to getting involved in ESSA planning at the state level? The local level? These are just two of the many other ESSA-related resources you’ll find by searching the National PTA’s website using this phrase: ESSA web pages by state
Additional Resources
Lessons Learned about Instruction from Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in College and Career Ready Assessments (PDF, 412 kb)
National Center on Educational Outcomes, 2016
Lessons Learned about Assessment from Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in College and Career Ready Assessments (PDF, 286 kb)
National Center on Educational Outcomes, 2016
Template that States Must Use to Submit Their State Plan (Word document, 174 kb)
U.S. Department of Education, 2016

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