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- Connect with the CDC and ED resources mentioned in the webinar
Hosted by the Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)
Date | June 22, 2021
Presenters |
Dr. Aaliyah Samuel
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Local, State and National Engagement
Office of Communication and Outreach, U.S. Department of Education
Stefanie Erskine, MPH
Past Lead of Stakeholder Engagement, Vaccine Task Force, Communications at CDC
Dr. Chandresh Ladva
Community Guidance Lead, Community Interventions and Critical Populations Task Force at CDC
Dr. Lauri Hicks
DO, Captain, US Public Health Service
Chief Medical Officer, Vaccine Task Force at CDC
In this webinar for parents, Parent Centers, and community members, key representatives from the U.S. Department of Education and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) discuss safely reopening schools in the fall for in-person learning. Speakers share the process needed to get our children with and without disabilities back in the classroom, including testing and vaccine safety. The webinar is designed to give families an opportunity to express concerns, ask questions, and discuss how to sustain safe operations in schools. CDC spotlights the amazing array of resources it makes available in multiple languages about COVID-19 and vaccinations (including for adolescents), as well materials and toolkits tailored for specific audiences, such as families, community-based organizations, schools, and camp programs.
Listen to the Webinar in English
The recording of the 55-minute webinar is on our YouTube channel, at:
We embed the webinar here, for your convenience:
Este webinar también está disponible en español:
Many, many valuable resources were highlighted during this webinar. For your convenience, CPIR is pleased to list the majority of those resources below, with links, so you can readily connect with those of interest.
“Reopening” Resources from the U.S. Department of Education
- ED Return to School Roadmap (2 volumes)
General COVID-19 Information from the CDC
Remember that the majority of CDC’s information and materials is made available in multiple languages. Access the different language versions via the “Languages” drop-down menu at any given resource.
Basic Info about COVID-19
Get the facts about COVID-19 and the virus that causes it, including how it spreads and new variants.
Search for materials for parents
(Change the “parents” filter to another drop-down option to search for materials for a different audience.)
About Vaccinations
Find where you can get a vaccination for yourself or another person
Go to, the web-based system that helps people find the latest information on COVID-19 vaccine availability. Searchable by zip code.
Visit the COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Center
How to talk about COVID-19 vaccines with friends and family
How to talk about COVID-19 vaccines with parents and teens
Frequently Asked Questions About COVID-19 and Adolescents
Audience-Specific Communications Toolkits
CDC’s toolkits are designed to help organizations communicate about the importance of covid-19 vaccine. The toolkits are tailored to the type of organization you are (e.g., medical center, pharmacy, healthcare professional, health department) and with whom you are interacting. Materials are developed using clear communications and plain language best practices to make it easier for everyone to understand and use health information.
Of particular relevance to Parent Centers is CDC’s toolkit For Staff of Organizations Serving Communities
Most relevant for schools | CDC’s For School Settings and Childcare Programs
COVID-19 Social Media and Print Resources
Posters | Download and print eye-catching posters of all sorts, for the spectrum of audiences.
Social Media | Find social media-ready COVID-19 content (in English and Spanish) on a variety of topics to help you successfully communicate with your audiences.
Widgets, Buttons, and Graphics
Videos | Find videos in multiple languages, tailored for specific audiences.