- Listen to the webinar
- Download the Powerpoint presentation
- View | download the Handouts
- Access the infographic to adapt it for your own Center
Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)
Lisa Küpper
Product Development Coordinator, CPIR
This webinar focuses on creating and using infographics. Points of discussion include:
- why infographics are all the rage,
- different ways that Parent Centers can use infographics in their work, and
- free online software to get you started.
The majority of the webinar is devoted to a live, online demonstration of how to modify infographics at the easel.ly website to make your own infographics.
There are 2 handouts for this webinar.
- Handout | Quick Guide to Creating Infographics
A 4-page guide to using the software at easel.ly to create your own infographics. - Example Infographic | Parent Centers in Action 2013-14
CPIR created this infographic to showcase the results of the 2013-14 Data Collection. The live demonstration shows Parent Centers how to modify this infographic to spotlight the work of their individual center. - Access the Infographic to adapt it for your own Center’s work
You can use the “example infographic” as a beginning template for highlighting your own Center’s activities in 2014.

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