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Hosted by the Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)
Date | May 27, 2021
Presenters |
Allison Jones
Technical Assistance Specialist, ECTA Center
Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, at UNC Chapel Hill
Stephanie Moss
Region B PTAC Project Co-Director and Chief Operating Officer
Parent to Parent of Georgia
Technical Assistance Specialist, ECTA Center
Part 1 in this webinar series introduces participants to the Division for Early Childhood’s (DEC) Recommended Practices (RPs). DEC Recommended Practices bridge the gap between research and practice, offering guidance to parents and professionals who work with young children who have or are at risk for developmental delays or disabilities. Through recent collaborative work with the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA), the practices have been revised and updated, and a new set is now available. The updated set of practices consists of 8 domains: leadership, assessment, environment, family, instruction, interaction, teaming and collaboration, and transition.
This webinar is designed to familiarize participants with many of the resources and materials developed in partnership with the ECTA Center to support family use of the RPs in order to promote positive outcomes for young children (0-8) with or at risk of developmental delays and disabilities.
Listen to the Webinar
The recording of the 16-minute webinar is on our YouTube channel, at:
We embed the webinar here, for easy viewing:
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Indepth info about DEC Recommended Practices
Prácticas recomendadas de la DEC (19 páginas, 2014)
DEC aRPy Ambassadors
Practice Improvement Tools
Performance Checklists
Practice Guides for Practitioners
Practice Guides for Families (English)
Practice Guides for Families (Spanish)
The Division for Early Childhood (DEC)
The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA)