Center for Parent Information and Resources
Using the Part C Training Modules with Families and Staff
Lisa Küpper
Product Development Coordinator
Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)
Using the ECTA Center’s Resources to Support Early Learning
Christina Kasprzak and Lynne Kahn
Co-Directors, ECTA Center
PowerPoint Presentations for the Webinar:
- PPT | Using the Part C Training Modules
Lisa Küpper - PPT | Using ECTA’s Resources
Christina Kasprzak and Lynne Kahn
Handouts for the Webinar:
We are pleased to provide the following handouts to accompany the webinar and to support your work with families and very young children with disabilities.
- Handout | Principles of Adult Learning [2 pages, PDF]
- Handout | Taking the Shortcut to Part C Resources! |[Webpage sampling of helpful resources listed in the Part C training modules]
- Handout | ECTA Highlights for Parent Centers [Handy list of the links mentioned, PDF]

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