Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)
RAISE Center (Resources for Access, Independence, Self-Advocacy and Employment)
Catherine Fowler, NTACT
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Debra Jennings, CPIR and RAISE Centers
Statewide Parent Advocacy Network, Inc.
Beth Schaffner, PEAK Parent Center
NTACT is the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition. This webinar provides an overview of NTACT’s technical assistance services available to state education and also state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies. It features a short tour of the transition-related resources available on NTACT’s website that Parent Centers are welcomed to use and share. Also highlighted are the ways in which NTACT encourages the engagement of Parent Centers as partners at each level of transition planning and implementation, as well as serving as members of state implementation teams.
Additionally, the webinar spotlights:
- the Serving on Groups online materials, which are highly relevant to Parent Centers;
- stories of successful collaboration between state agencies and Parent Centers; and
- the resources available through RSA-funded Parent Centers and the RAISE Center.
Download the PowerPoint Presentation and its PDF
PowerPoint Presentation (PPT, 4 MB)
PDF of the PowerPoint Presentation (PDF, 2 MB)
From NTACT the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition
Quick Guide: Preparing Students for Competitive Integrated Employment
Hot off the Press in January 2016! (PDF, 369 KB)
A Guide to Developing Collaborative School-Community-Business Partnerships
This 31-page guide presents approaches and considerations for the development and implementation of broadly inclusive partnerships that help youth achieve employment and pursue a clear career path. (PDF, 800 KB)
Family Role at Systems Level and at Individual Student Level (PDF, 482 KB)
1 page visual depiction.
Serving on Groups Guidebook
Great resource for Parent Centers!
RSA-Funded Parent Centers
Meet the 7 Parent Centers funded by the RSA! (PDF, 858 KB)

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