A RAISE Center Resource Collection
Support the Sexual Health of Young People Experiencing I/DD
The Sexual Health Equity for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (SHEIDD) Project provides this preliminary resource list of no-cost resources for supporting young people with I/DD in sexual health education and support.
Making the Right Turn: A Research Update on Improving Transition Outcomes Among Youth
Two research briefs from National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) feature various resources relevant to transition to adulthood (employment, postsecondary education, health) that were co-produced with youth and adults.
Hidden Disabilities
This guide provides information on the range of hidden disabilities, identifying or diagnosing specific learning disabilities, and providing accommodations and support services to young people with hidden disabilities, as well as additional resources and references on the subject.
Understanding SSI Eligibility Requirements – 2015
Part of the Understanding Supplemental Security Income SSI Eligibility Requirements — 2018 Edition, with an explanation of who is eligible for SSI and definitions of “aged”, “blindness”, “disabled”.
Cyber Disclosure for Youth with Disabilities
This document is a supplement to The 411 on Disability Disclosure: A Workbook for Youth with Disabilities, which helps youth learn about disability disclosure and what it means for them, and provides activities, examples, and key lessons to help individuals get informed about making and managing their disability disclosure online.
Disclosure in a Community Setting
An RSA-PTI Resource | Discusses the reasons for disclosure of a disability (when accommodations are needed for an individual to have meaningful participation in a community setting) and how to approach it. This tip sheet from NYS Transition Partners provides information on understanding the purpose in disclosing, knowing how much and when to disclose, and how be comfortable talking about one’s disability with others.
Resiliency: Find Your Inner Strength
A RAISE Partner Resource | This webinar from NAPTAC (in collaboration with RAISE) discusses how being a person with a disability life can have many adversities and barriers, and how those in the disabled community want others to understand them and accept their differences. Focuses on how to emotionally prepare onself to handle difficult situations in life.